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Year 9 Pupil of the Month for October

Well done to our Year 9 pupils who received Pupil of the Month awards for October.

Awards were given to Mezhnun for his achievements in boxing and his maturity in keeping these skills to being used only outside of school, Harley for receiving the most achievement points in his class since the start of the year – he has nearly doubled and in some cases tripled the amount of achievement points than others in his class. This shows that his effort and ability to come to class prepared and get on with his work is incredibly high. Matthew his remarkable effort this year to be on time and to be more organised. Dale for working hard and for having no behaviour points this term. Lauren for always showing kindness and being friendly. Joe for his excellent effort in History, Maths, Science and HE over October. A total of 26 achievement points overall.

Fantastic achievements from our year 9 pupils. We are so proud of you all.